Wednesday, 29 October 2008

A thing I like.

It has been mentioned that this blog is all about what I don't like. That's not true, there is a picture of kittens, and what's not to like there?

Though I'd like to make a special mention for these guys.

They seem to have got the balance right between aesthetic and safety when it comes to equipment. They look modern and professional, something most groups struggle with.

They fight as if they mean it without being overly aggresive, I have yet to see a single video (and there are a lot of them out there) where they look sloppy.

Lastly, and most irritatingly,somehow they all seem to be decent people. If you're going to copy any group then you could do a lot worse than the GHFS.

To entertain you here are two of them in the final of the longsword competition at this year's Fightcamp. (A co-incidence? Probably not.)


Anders said...

Wow, thanks!

/Anders - GHFS

Anonymous said...

Yeah what Anders said, thanks for the positive words man!

Anonymous said...

fairly clean, would like to see more from the bind and followup shots. This mostly seemed to be single technique and then reset to safe distance.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, we have plenty of videos on the hema youtube group ( with plenty of bind work, "follow up shots" etc. Our videos are those from "Leondrian", "Taffy1975", "Marozzo" and "3ng4n", sometimes we feature in other peoples videos as well (I am in some from "LordNelle" and "TheBurtonian". Enjoy, and please direct us to videos of your own fighting!

Anonymous said...

Do you really do believe that personal combat in the middle ages looked like this?

Shinai suck big time. Sorry. And the followup from a single strike is non-existant.

Guys, you can do better than this, can't you?

Anders said...

if you feel like talking about this clip and its context please feel free to contact me at or at scholas forum. I also recommend you watch the clips Axel referred to and preferably refer us to videos where you show us how you should fight.

Hemaboy said...

Please don't think I picked this clip because it is the best I have seen. It was because it was the final of a competition. If you read the post you will see that that fact is, in itself, significant.

However if anyone believes there is better out there please feel free to include links in your comments, email them to

Anonymous said...

I dig the fellows at GHFS.

And how can you be too aggressive? You're emulating the act of killing someone.