Monday, 12 January 2009

Why I don't give a fuck what you think

This month saw the launch of the Atheist Bus campaign. It is a worldwide campaign placing free-thinking slogans on the side of buses, and thanks to some effective fundraising, on posters too.

It has drawn some pretty passionate responses.

Some people think it is a wonderful idea, that we should do everything in our power to point out the logical fallacies inherent to organised religion. Some people think that it is the Devil's work and those responsible will burn in hell.

Either way it has provoked some fairly impressive reactions.

Will it do what it is supposed to though?

I doubt it.

What does this have to do with WMA I hear you ask.

Well if you hold on for just a moment longer you will see where I am going.

The atheist bus campaign is designed to make people think about the fact that there might not be a God. It has a specific goal, and that goal is conversion to atheism. I very much doubt that it will achieve anything of the sort.

I'm different.

I have a goal but I don't give a shit what you think.

Unlike the atheist bus campaign I don't expect, or even want, you to agree with me.

Personally I think that what I say is pretty basic stuff. It is simple fact dressed up in fancy language in order to get your attention.

But why would I want your attention if I don't give a shit what you think?

A good question.

I couldn't give a flying fuck what you think about what I say, as long as (and here's the catch) you do think about what I say.

As soon as you close your mind to other opinions then you lose every advantage that being a practitioner of HEMA gives you. Because our art is new we have to be able to back up our ideas with evidence. We have to be open to other ideas. We have to constantly test both our technique and our interpretations in every possible way. Only whilst we are still striving to prove ourselves wrong can we be sure that we are on the right path. As soon as we settle back and choose to stop thinking then we might as well pack in and go home.

So I don't care if you think I am a twat (yes Herbert I am talking to you) as long as you don't stop thinking about what you do. As long as you don't assume that I cannot have anything to offer because I am a twat. Sometimes the truth comes to us through the strangest medium.

I also don't care if you think I am intelligent, witty, and insightful. As long as you question what I say.

So perhaps I do have an agenda after all.

Perhaps I too am an atheist bus.

After all, you wait ages for an atheist bus and then 800 come along at once.

Tag and I'm it.

It would seem that I have been tagged by James Marwood of to reveal seven facts about myself. I considered not bothering but didn't think that was sporting.

However, part and parcel of the Hemaboy persona is his anonymity and so whilst I won't be revealing whether they are true or not here are seven things people say about me.

Some say he is Paul B....and the stig.
Some say he doesn't even read the Schola forums!
Some say he is not Dave.
Some say he is just a cock.
Some say he is the manifestation of disgruntled WMAists everywhere.
Some say he is a Legend.
Some say he is too stupid to get it.

As to tagging other people, I notice there are currently seven people following this blog, so I tag them.