Thursday, 16 October 2008

An explanation

As a few people correctly guessed Hemaboy was a collaborative venture.

The collaboration is no more. There was a difference in opinion as to how we should react to the mixed reactions presented. To those of you who supported us thank you, to those of you who were offended please do not be (with one exception, you have a right to be offended, we were indeed offensive).

This is why the posts were pulled from the site. As the collaboration is no more you can rest assured that those posts will re-appear shortly. I am truly sorry that the comments have been lost, please feel free to re-post them, they are all welcome.

Even the offensive ones.

No, especially the offensive ones.

I (the remaining member of the collaboration) intend to carry on this blog in the manner it started. I suspect as time passes the original posts that were authored by me will become clear and my identity will become common knowledge. I am more than happy with this, there is little that has been said by Hemaboy that I would not put my name to. I'd like to ask your indulgence and request that you not try too hard to find out the identity of the person or persons who are no longer Hemaboy. They no longer wish to be associated with it. I believe they are wrong but I respect their decision.

Expect to see some more posts on the subjects that have been raised, and expect to see some more examples of what I believe is good in the world of WMA.


Anonymous said...

Shame to see you've lost your partner in crime, but great to see the posts back up. I'll look forward to lots more controversial and thought provoking posts

Unknown said...

"Expect to see some more posts on the subjects that have been raised, and expect to see some more examples of what I believe is good in the world of WMA."

That is what I partly meant. Not only stabbing at things but also bring out the positive points - and there are a lot! Seldom do you find this kind of comraderie and friendship on an international level in another sport. Most are a lot more competitive and sour.

I can't rewrite my earlier comments as I don't remember them word by word and writing something different would be a distortion of what has been said.

Still think you should jsut post your name (and the earlier collaborators should have done also). I still think that some viewpoints should be better thought through before posting.

I for my part am curious as how you will continue.
